13 February 2012

Inspired Garretts Popcorns (Happycall Pan)

Lately, almost every girl friend of mine is crazy over this new wonder equipment - Happy Call Pan. It is well known for non grease after cooking; saving more time and effort of cleaning. Seeing all the craze, i decided to invest into one Happy Call Pan for myself. 

The first cooking experiment i conducted with this pan is to make some popcorn based on the recipe provided by Munch Ministry However the caramel popcorn turned out nothing like what i was expecting, crispy aroma flavour alike of the famous Garretts Popcorn. I was somehow disappointed with the first attempt. 

First attempt
Note my disappointment has nothing to do with the Happycall Pan, i was kinda of expecting achieving the same type of popcorn like Garretts.I couldn't sleep the whole night, thinking what went wrong. And i decided to make a second attempt on caramel popcorn the next day. I made some changes to the recipe and added in a few more steps. End results? Perfect i would say! It had the brown crispy outlook i was looking for and most importantly the caramel aroma! 
Second attempt & success!

I was so happy with my popcorn!

Thinking to make some inspired Garretts Caramel Popcorn? You may like to follow my modified recipe below (with additional steps). You need not own a Happy Call Pan to make popcorn, you just have to get a basic non stick pan and cover with the lid when the corns are popping.
Ingredients for making basic popcorn (recipe adapted from Munch Ministry)
  • Half cup of corn maize (normally found in the dried goods of supermarket where they displaced dried goods like red bean, sago etc)
  • 2 table spoon of corn oil
  • Heat the pan and pour the oil into the pan with low fire
  • Put one or two corn maize into the pan to test if the oil is hot enough. The corn maize will slowly turn in a circle if the oil is hot enough
  • You may put the rest of the corns into the pan and cover the lid of pan or Happy Call Pan (which ever you are using)
  • After 20 seconds or so, you will start to hear the corns popping. Turn off the fire once the popping stopped
  • Pour the freshly popcorn into a baking tray 

For Caramel Sauce
  • 70 gram of unsalted butter
  • 1/2 tsp of salt
  • 2 tbsp of brown sugar
  • half cup of pure maple syrup
  • 1 tsp of baking soda
  • Put the butter, salt, brown sugar and pure maple syrup into a sauce pan and boil it over low heat
  • Stir slowly till the sugar dissolved
  • Remove the sauce pan from heat and put in the baking soda, somehow you will see a foam appearing after putting baking soda, do not be alarmed. Continue stirring till the foam slowly dies down. Your caramel sauce is now ready for use

Making Caramel Popcorn (The additional steps from me)
  • Pour the caramel sauce over the popcorn in the baking tray
  • Using a spatula (i use a salad spatula), stir the caramel sauce evenly into the popcorn
  • Prehead the oven at 180 degree Celsius and bake the popcorn for 8 minutes
  • Take out the popcorn, stir the popcorn one more time evenly
  • Put the popcorn into the oven and bake it one more time at 180 degree Celsius for another 8 minutes
 And your caramel popcorn is done! 


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